12 December 2024

The Hon Tanya Plibersek MP
Minister for the Environment and Water

The Hon Harriet Shing MLC
Victorian Minister for Water

The Hon Jaclyn Symes MP
Victorian Minister for Emergency Services

Rob Mitchell MP
Member for McEwen




Emergency water boost for Mitchell Shire


12 December 2024


Towns across Mitchell Shire are now better prepared for the fire season with 11 new and upgraded emergency water supply points delivering access to high-flow water.

This infrastructure is also improving the capability of the local Country Fire Authority (CFA) brigades to fill tankers.

Federal Member for McEwen, Rob Mitchell was in Kilmore today to unveil one of the new supply points.

The high bushfire risk towns benefitting from the new emergency water supply points include Tooborac, Sugarloaf Creek, Upper Plenty, High Camp, Tyaak, Clonbinane, Glenhope, Seymour, Broadford and Kilmore.

The newly updated supply points will also be available to support the emergency water needs of local farmers.

The broader $2.165 million Victoria’s Emergency Water Supply Point Network project which the new supply points were installed under was jointly funded between the Australian Government ($900,000) and Victorian Government ($1.265 million) through the Victorian Connections Package. The Mitchell Shire upgrade project ($160,000) forms part of this $2.165 million project.

The $46.3 million Victorian Connections Package is jointly funded by the Australian Government through the National Water Grid Fund ($20 million) and the Victorian Government's Building Works Stimulus package ($26.3 million).

Mitchell Shire has an extensive bushfire history including devastating impacts from the 2009 Black Saturday and 2014 Kilmore-Mickleham fires.

The Mitchell Shire Council is in Victoria’s northern growth corridor and recognised as Victoria’s fastest growing Local Government Area.


Quotes attributable to the Minister for the Environment and Water, Tanya Plibersek:

“Access to reliable water supplies during an emergency is vital to an effective response.

“Preparing now helps to actively respond if fires break out, when every minute counts, and during dry times.”


Quotes attributable to the Federal Member for McEwen, Rob Mitchell:

“Our community has a long history of bushfires and Black Saturday is a day etched in the collective memory of all of us.

“Ensuring our emergency services and local farmers are prepared with access to emergency water supply points is essential.

“These new and upgraded emergency water supply points support our agricultural industry during drought conditions, bushfires and other emergency periods.

“The completion of these works is a win for our community.”


Quotes attributable to Minister for Water, Harriet Shing:

“These new and upgraded water supply points will keep more Victorians safe, with upgrades to enhance the emergency water supply point network which provides essential water for emergency services, livestock, and residents during emergencies and dry periods.”


Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes:

“Mitchell Shire Council knows all too well the impacts of bushfire and how important it is for emergency services to have access to high flow water sources to fill tankers and protect communities.

“I’m so pleased this partnership between the Victorian Government and Australian Government can deliver these new and upgraded emergency water supply points supporting our emergency services and helping to make our growing towns safer.”