06 March 2025




SUBJECTS: Delivering the Basin Plan after a decade of sabotage by the Liberals and Nationals; Cyclone Alfred; trade.


CLAIRE CLUTTERHAM, CANDIDATE FOR STURT: Good morning everyone. My name is Claire Clutterham, I'm the Labor Party candidate for Sturt for the forthcoming federal election, and we are gathered here on Kaurna land this morning in Lochiel Park in the heart of Sturt for this very important announcement.


I'm really pleased to be joined by a number of people this morning, I've got Minister Plibersek, Senators Farrell, Wong and Smith, Louise Miller-Frost, the Member for Boothby, Tony Zappia, the Member for Makin and of course our Deputy Premier, Susan Close, so thank you all for being with us this morning.


This announcement is particularly close to my heart, I'm a country girl, I grew up with the mighty Murray as my backyard, so I'm very pleased to be here with Minister Plibersek this morning. Thank you.


TANYA PLIBERSEK, MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND WATER: Thank you. Well thank you so much Claire Clutterham, who is our candidate for the seat of Sturt in the upcoming federal election for the introduction.


Before we get in to the press conference proper, I wanted to say a few words about south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales that are of course facing some very severe weather over the coming days. Obviously we are very concerned about people in those areas experiencing what we expect will be very heavy rain potentially flash flooding, strong winds and coastal surges. The Commonwealth government has been working very closely with state governments in Queensland and New South Wales to prepare for this extreme weather event. We are monitoring the situation very closely, we've pre-positioned a number of supports for those communities and will continue to work to make sure that every assistance is available to the state governments of Queensland and New South Wales and the people of Queensland and New South Wales as they face this very difficult time.


But today we actually have a good news story here for South Australia. I've been here today and yesterday, and I can see how very dry it is, I've just come from the Clare Valley with Senator Farrell, and I know from talking to Deputy Premier Close how dry it's been in South Australia. That's why it is so important that we fully deliver on the Murray Darling Basin Plan and today I am delighted to say that the Albanese Labor Government in three years is delivering more than 100 times more environmental water than the previous Liberal National governments did in ten years of office. Today we're recovering 286 gigalitres of environmental water compared with 2 gigalitres delivered in the previous decade of government.


What this tells you is that the Liberals and Nationals sabotaged the Murray Darling Basin Plan, and what it tells you is the greatest risk to the delivery of the Murray Darling Basin Plan is the election of a Dutton Government. The Nationals in particular have made it clear that they'll abandon the plan if they are elected.


Now the Murray Darling Basin Plan is absolutely vital for South Australia. It's vital for South Australia's cities and towns, it's vital for South Australia's agriculture and industry, and of course it's vital for the environment of South Australia. We are determined to fully deliver on the plan, that's why we've allowed more time, more money and more options, but you see today's results speak for themselves.


We are delivering 286 gigalitres of additional environmental water in three years compared to just 2 gigalitres delivered by the Liberals and Nationals in a decade. I'm also very pleased to be here today with the South Australian Deputy Premier Susan Close who has been such a strong advocate for the full delivery of the plan and to say that we are investing close to $100 million for the next stages of the work that South Australia has to do in preparation for the full delivery of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan and Susan will say a few words in a minute.


My final comment of course is the reason that you see so many South Australian members and Senators here today is because this is the crew that has been advocating so strongly in Canberra for the full delivery of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. And I want to thank my South Australian colleagues for the work they've done over very many years to see that full delivery in particular Senator Penny Wong who will speak in a moment. Penny, of course, was the Water Minister herself, she knows the challenges involved and she is responsible for an enormous amount of water delivery when she was the minister. fact, it's important to note that over 85 percent of water that has been delivered to the finalisation of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan has been done under Labor governments. We are the only party committed to fully delivering on the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. Thank you, Deputy Premier.


SUSAN CLOSE, DEPUTY PREMIER: Thank you. And a very big and sincere thank you to Minister Tanya Plibersek. Back in 2012 the then Labor government in South Australia negotiated with the federal government and the water minister was Senator Penny Wong. At that time, when we were contemplating signing up to the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, we only agreed to sign up because there was an additional 450 gigalitres of environmental water for the southern basin added to that plan. Then we entered the dark decade, the very dark decade of the Liberal National government in Canberra, not only not delivering those gigalitres but actively sabotaging all attempts.


When you have a combination of David Spiers as environment minister here capitulating to his state's interests, as was found by a Royal Commission, and the likes of Barnaby Joyce in Canberra actively saying that they want to tear up the Murray-Darling Basin Plan, then you are going to see the kind of dry that we are experiencing now in Adelaide throughout the Murray. And that's no good for people, it's no good for the economy, and of course it's no good for the environment.


So contrast that now with just three years of Tanya Plibersek as Water Minister in Canberra. We have seen an update of the legislation which has unleashed the capacity to finally get to the 450 gigalitres and now just three years in we are seeing the process of securing 286 gigalitres. I could hardly believe it when Tanya told me how much they've been able to secure because although I always had faith in Tanya, we in South Australia have long learnt that the eastern states tend not to be too helpful on the Murray.


What we understand very clearly now is it matters who is in Canberra. If we have Barnaby Joyce and his ilk back, we'll go backwards immediately. If we have Tanya Plibersek, Anthony Albanese, Penny Wong and the wonderful candidates I have here having their seats, holding their seats, that's what will make the difference to South Australia's prosperity. And it is every single South Australian that is affected. We are at the bottom of the river so when we speak for ourselves, we speak for the entire Murray-Darling Basin system. If it's healthy here and only if it's healthy here that you have a healthy system.


So I am immensely grateful on behalf of the South Australian people not just to Tanya Plibersek, although primarily to her, but also this extraordinary Labor South Australian team that represents us in Canberra. That's how you make a difference. Send a message at the next election, tell Canberra we are not interested in Barnaby Joyce and his mates who do deals behind South Australian's backs and absolutely refuse to deliver water down the Murray. It is water that sustains life, and it's this team that sustains South Australia. And with that I'd like to invite the original Water Minister Penny Wong to say a few words.


PENNY WONG, SENATOR: Thank you very much Deputy Premier. Can I first echo Tanya's message to the people of northern New South Wales and south east Queensland, Australia is with you. I know this is a frightening time and we've seen all of the preparations but I again say we are with you, we are thinking of you, and we are here to support you.


Can I thank all of my South Australian colleagues for being here with us today and thanks Susan for her very kind words. Thanks for hosting us Claire in this the electorate of Sturt, but most of all thanks to Tanya for the work she has done. Tanya has really outlined it. There is only one party that will deliver for the River Murray and that is the Australian Labor party, full stop. There is only one party that has ever delivered for the River Murray and that is the Australian Labor party, full stop, and it is only the Albanese Labor Government which has been able to deliver for the River Murray and for South Australia on water. What we know is that the Coalition, the Liberals and the Nationals have never wanted to deliver for the River Murray. We know that.


We know that from history - can anyone remember what Barnaby Joyce said years ago when I was Water Minister to South Australians who were suffering under the drought? He told us to move. He told the people of Adelaide to move north. That was his response, we know that the Nationals have always wanted to tear up the Murray Darling Plan. They effectively did it in government by only purchasing – by only retrieving or recovering a couple of gigs and now Tanya has delivered the 286 gigalitres of the 450 and as she said, 85 percent of the water that has been returned has been returned under a Labor government so I say to the people of Sturt, to the people of Boothby, to the people of South Australia, it is only Labor that will ever deliver for the River Murray, it is only Labor who has ever delivered for the River Murray, thank you. Any questions?


JOURNALIST: Question for Minister Plibersek please. So obviously this is a milestone as the government is putting it, but just reflecting back last year there was a proposal for large portions of the River Murray to be listed as critically endangered. The final advice was due to yourself, a decision by November last year, what was the outcome of that?


MINISTER PLIBERSEK: Well we are still considering that and I'm not going to make any comments as a potential decision maker.


JOURNALIST: How much of this 286 gigalitres has been made up by the water buybacks?


MINISTER PLIBERSEK: I don't want to give very detailed final numbers because the negotiations on some of the tenders are still concluding. About just over 70 gigalitres is reflected by the over-purchase of water in northern catchment areas now being determined not to be returned to the consumptive pool and instead being included in the 450 gigalitres target. The remainder will be either purchased or water saving infrastructure projects.


JOURNALIST: One question on offshore wind projects. Communities earmarked for those kind of projects have been saying that they have not been consulted by you and that you are not listening to their concerns, what are you doing to win them over?


MINISTER PLIBERSEK: Well we are working very closely with our colleague Chris Bowen to make sure that both onshore and offshore wind projects have proper community consultation and proper environmental impact statements. Wherever possible, we are identifying areas offshore ahead of time to make sure that those offshore projects can proceed quickly, we're identifying the areas first and then working with potential proponents to design projects that have minimal environmental and social impacts. Just on renewable energy, can I say how very pleased I am today to be able to say that the Labor Government has approved more than 77 renewable energy projects. We have now approved enough renewable energy to power almost every single home in Australia, so again in just three short years we have approved enough renewable energy to power almost every home in Australia.


Since coming to government we have already added 15 gigawatts of renewable energy to the grid. That's more than Peter Dutton's proposal for nuclear energy will deliver some time in coming decades at the cost of over $600 billion to Australian taxpayers. The renewable energy transition is already happening, it's here, the jobs that come with it have already been created. Again the biggest risk to Australia's renewable energy transition is a Dutton government. Peter Dutton's plan for nuclear energy is just an excuse to keep coal going longer and add 1.7 billion tonnes of extra carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.


JOURNALIST: I've got a question for Minister Farrell if I can. When was the last time that you spoke with your US counterpart about exemptions and did that conversation include exemption for tariffs?


DON FARRELL, SENATOR: Well, we were the first country to make contact with Commerce Secretary Lutnick on his confirmation by the Senate. Since that time, there's been regular conversations between our ambassador, Ambassador Rudd and Mr Lutnick. Mr Lutnick spent two hours last week - so a very long period of time - at our Super summit with all the Australian superannuation funds and tomorrow there's going to be a further discussion between Mr Lutnick and Ambassador Rudd. In addition to that, we've sent over senior officials to Washington to continue discussions. I spoke with all of the steel and aluminium companies yesterday, we had a very long session on what was being proposed by the incoming American government. We will continue those discussions, it's very much in the interest, we believe, of Australian manufacturers and Australian jobs that the United States not impose these tariffs on Australia. We have a deficit with the United States; just to explain that situation, our trade with the United States is roughly $100 billion. Of that, we buy $70 billion worth of product and sell $30 billion worth of product to the Americans. So we say it simply isn't in the interests of the United States to impose tariffs on steel, aluminium or any other product. We will continue to negotiate directly with the United States and I'm hopeful that a sensible position can be developed here. We believe we have a very strong argument, we're putting our arguments extremely forcefully to the United States government, and I'm hopeful that with sensible discussion we can resolve these issues and that Australian manufacturers and other producers will not suffer any tariff.


JOURNALIST: Question please for Minister Close. Just regarding the very dry conditions that we're experiencing in South Australia. Locals in the Adelaide Hills and the Fleurieu regions are saying they might not expect a reprieve until May. Do you have any intel from the Bureau of Meteorology, what are you hearing?


MINISTER CLOSE: So just to put some context on to this. This is exactly what we expect with climate change, right, so I'll talk about the details but let's be really honest about the impact of climate change. We see floods, we see more intense cyclones and later cyclones, we see long dry periods. They’re all - they happen, and they've always happened, now they're going to happen more frequently and with more intensity. So what we've seen in South Australia in the last year is in the southern part of South Australia and all along the coastline right down to the Limestone Coast record low rainfall and that is affecting everybody, primary producers, townships and of course the environment is taking an absolute hammering. Now what we've seen through the Mount Lofty ranges and the Fleurieu Peninsula is not a problem of water security. We have enough supply for Adelaide and those who are on the SA mains water and the reason we have enough is because the last time we went through an intense period of drought, the millennium drought, we made a bold decision to build a desalination plant, and many people since then have questioned it, mocked it, asked whether it was worth, well guess what, it's cranking right now and we needed it, and we knew we would one day and today is the day. So we have enough water to supply.


The real challenge for the Adelaide Hills and down the Fleurieu Peninsula is a supply bottleneck. The normal way that people who aren't on mains water manage their water is either it rains enough, or they phone a water carter and they top up. What seems to have happened is that all at once people have realised that they're getting a bit low, they phoned the water carters and they've created inadvertently a bottleneck where the wait is listed even up to two months. That's created, understandably, some concern amongst people living in the Hills. To help with that concern, we've opened up three locations of SA Water mains through a fire hydrant with a metered pump attached to it. SA Water staff are there right now from 7 in the morning to 7 at night, we'll run that for the next week, so far started today, very little uptake. That pleases me because we want to know that people are actually managing their own water, that they're fine, that they're not so desperate that they're cueing around the block. We didn't know, we didn't know what kind of uptake we would get because we are not out measuring people's private tanks, they are. So we'll continue this while it helps ease that supply bottleneck, but we're also working with the water carters because making sure their business remains strong and they're able to continue to deliver, that's the long term water security for that region.


JOURNALIST: Will they be subsidised for these properties to get their water mains connected if dry times like this are going to become more common due to climate change?


MINISTER CLOSE: Look, there's a larger question of water security which we're constantly monitoring. But this is the first time in 30 years that some people have realised that they need to phone a water carter. They are in what are otherwise known as high rainfall areas. And while we will see the trend downwards through climate change, we don't need to jump to spending public money in a hurry when what we've really got is a bottleneck of people calling their water carters. What we have done is subsidise the water that's been made available through these three stations through the Hills, so we are charging what the water carters charge because we don't want to undercut, we don't want people to cancel their orders, that would be the worst thing they could do. So we are heavily subsidising that service to help out for a short period. It should return to normal, and we will continue to monitor water security situations, ongoing, the connection of people to supply, how they can have access to bore water and so on. That's a constant question for the SA government, not one that needs resolving in the near future.


JOURNALIST: Some residents are saying they're concerned about how to go to collect the water, they don't have tanks themselves. What would be an option for them or what’s--?


MINISTER CLOSE: Yeah, so we'll be interested to hear that kind of feedback. Most people are able to go and get an intermediate bulk container, an IBC, you can get one that's 1,000 litres, a kilolitre big, fill that up, that will cost you $28, which is the average cost for water carting. And you will be able to pop that in to your tank and continue to use that. So for most people that will work. For people where it doesn't, they've probably got neighbours or community groups that can help them out, and that's the first port of call, as is their councils. In other areas, councils have stepped up and opened up standpipes where they've put the metering on and people can go up, true in the Barossa, it's true in the mid Murray. So we're hopeful that councils will step in a bit as well and play that intermediary role. We are making the water available, we are subsidising that, we are publicising it, so I thank the media for covering this again today, because we want to make sure that people know about it and we will constantly monitor and be very flexible in how we deliver this.


JOURNALIST: Just in regards to water security as well, I've got a brother in law who lives in One Tree Hill.




JOURNALIST: They were quoted something like $4 million to be able to get SA Water to turn – you know to go left instead of right. In regards to people living in more – you know everyone is sort of starting to spread out there's more people living in the Hills, is this something that we have to look at in future if we are going to getting more of a spread and more people living in those areas, getting them on to mains?


MINISTER CLOSE: So in One Tree Hill there are 300-odd houses that are not on mains and have been able to rely on their storage of water mainly from rainwater and they're now starting to run dry so we are very acutely conscious of that and Rhiannon Pearce who is the local member who has been making representations as you'd expect she's an excellent local member. But the larger question of where we roll out water connections is one that we have already turned our minds to. We have a housing shortage. We want to build houses as fast as possible so that people are able to get into their own homes, and that requires a lot of water connections. What we've done is rather than make the SA Water customers bear the entire weight of that cost we've allocated about $400 million for SA Water customers to contribute, $400 million that the government is taken on to its own books as debt and another $400 million that will be provided by developer which is actually the normal way that water is connected. It's through the developer. We have recognised there's a crisis in getting a whole lot of houses built quickly and so that's how we have managed that, that we are constantly paying attention to water supply, and housing. Don't know if that noise is too much. That's probably enough.


JOURNALIST: Thank you.